Many people have decided to make the attempt at a personal blog. Some turn out good, some not so much. Keeping up a personal blog isn't all that hard, you just gotta stay in the blogging frame of mind. Damn near anything is bloggable, you just gotta present it.
I've had several friends start up their own blog. Let's take a look at how they turned out:
- Charlie: Late Night Radio is the proclaimed Godfather of blog. Consistently active for almost 3 years now. Need I mention he had a weekly online journal prior to that?
- Shannon: Rest in Peace Inaction Intention. However, don't mourn too much because she also "has" a second blog which wasn't meant to continue on, but it might just kick something up every now and then.
- Pat: I won't proclaim Don't fall through the stars dead yet, but its definitely in a blog coma.
- Cohen: Republicans for Voldemort is becoming more and more active these days. Always entertaining, especially if you know the guy.
- Mike Doughty: Can we just say that I know Doughty on a personal basis? Either way his blog Super Special Questions Blog still kicks ass. He's blogging from Africa these days.
- Jon: Random Thoughts is the Terry Schiavo of blogs.
As for my own blog? I try to keep it active, but I'm often too tired to post anything after spending 12 or 13 hours working and commuting. I try to make up for it on my days off though.
Blog's looking good, Brad! I like the little goldfish doodads! :)
i never wanted to have a blog- i just can't handle peer pressure, so there.
"all the cool kids are doing it"
works every time.
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