Wednesday, December 29, 2004

I Like a Lot of Things Hot
Like coffee, women, apple cider, sandwiches, showers, the afterlife, but engines certainly aren't one of them. Bad news is it looks like my car is overheating again. Last time this happened I had to tow the damn thing all the way to Charlotte myself (with the help of Charlie) and had to shell out $1,100 bucks to get it fixed. I don't know yet what the problem is, but in the mean time I don't even know if I'll be able to drive to work given the situation. This definitely keeps me from taking either of the two road trips (trip #1, trip #2) I had planned for the next week or so.

Also, if you're not going to register with the site then at least make note of who you are when you leave a comment. No more of this "anonymous" bullshit. Ok? Good.

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