Sunday, January 02, 2005

The 201 Just Got More Blub
I have big news everyone. On a whim, I got another oranda yesterday from PetSmart. I went in to get more fish food, but instead left with; two plants, fish food, decorative marbles, another roman ruin decoration, and a little blue oranda. His name is Tank. He's still a baby and is pretty shy, but very spunky. I also finally got my camera back from the shop so I took some pictures and made a website. Here ya go. Flobee & Tank.


Anonymous said...

Aww... i like that tank is blue! ... I like the name too.. but why?

Brad said...

Basically how my train of thought went on this guy was I first thought he looked silver. Then I was like, well silver is like bling bling, and the first image of bling bling I had in my head was of the No Limit Records pendant with the big ass tank on it. I stopped there and settled on Tank.