Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Phounders Day Fat Blues
I strolled over to campus today for the Founders Day celebration to check out the live music and free food. The Kelly Bell Band was there doing their thing, and I always enjoy one of their shows. Pat unfortunately couldn't make it since he's in the VA doing spring break stuff. Since I rubbed it in earlier that I was going to see them and he couldn't (professional asshole here) I thought I'd at least try and make up for it by calling him during the song Dear Maggie (which is the latest Featured Flava by the way). While listening on the phone, every once in a while I would hear him singing along (sometimes changing Maggie to Brad) and giving the ocaisional "Yes!" I hope he accompanied with the trademark hand motion he does that I have so lovingly adopted as well.

On a seperate note, I hate the latest trends in female sunglasses. They got the big beetle bug eyed ones, the winged ones, and shit like that. Shit looks dumb ladies.

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