Monday, April 11, 2005

It Is Decided
I've finally decided which job to take. It was a really really tough decision, but here were the deciding factors. First of all, there's only one location. That's actually kind of a bad thing because it provides for less advancement opportunities. However, this is how I see it. If/When they do start making more locations I'll be on the ground floor to rise up to the top. Also, since it is a brand new concept I'll have more of a voice to provide new ideas. Also, I think I would enjoy working there more overall because of the co-workers, the atmosphere, and the more appealing menu.

When I called my parents to tell them the good news they were far less than supportive. They think I should have gone with Corner Bakery, and they also gave me shit about a couple other things. They've been wrong before, and I think I've been doing pretty well on my own with all this shit. They really pissed me off today with their negativity so I made sure they knew that. I dont want to even talk to them today so I've been screening their calls. Right now I have 5 missed calls and 4 voicemails on my phone from them but I don't give a rat's ass. Thanks for ruining my big day Mom and Dad.

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