Friday, May 13, 2005

Meg Madness (a recap)
Since my last post Meg's visit here started Sunday afternoon and ended Thursday morning with a whole lot of great times crammed in between.

Here's a recap of everything we did: ate at a great pan-asian restaurant (got sushi, honey almond shrimp, and red bean ice cream), go to the Lincoln Park Zoo (free zoo with awesome monkeys and polar bears), take a boat ride down Chicago river (tour guide talked about architecture), showed her where I work and introduced her to some of my coworkers, ate dinner at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co, went to the John Hancock observatory (really high amazing view of a sunset over Chicago), saw the most amazing church courtyard ever (really old place right across from John Hancock on the Magnificent Mile) watched some episodes of Sex & the City (its become a tradition of ours), went paddle boating in Lincoln Park South Pond, had lunch at Portillo's, went to the Contemporary Art Museum (sucked balls, but we had a good time making fun of its retardedness), enjoyed gelato and a smoothie while people watching on the Magnificent Mile, went to Murphy's Bleachers (a bar next to Wrigley that was named best sports bar in the country by Sports Illustrated), saw a Cubs night game where Greg Maddux shut out the Mets and the Cubs hit 4 home runs (final score 7-0 Cubs), Went to the Cubby Bear bar outside Wrigley, while at work Meg amazed me with her thoughtfulness (she put together my desk, bought me a pineapple plant, a desk lamp, some plastic plates and bowls, and some Old Style beer), went to North Pond restaurant (very fancy place located inside a park), danced together in my apartment, and then said goodbye the next morning.

Phew! I think that's everything. I had an absolutely great time and I'm so very glad she came. I miss her already, but the plan is that she'll be here again in August. I consider myself very lucky to have her in my life.

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