Friday, September 23, 2005

I Got My Fajita Pita
Here are a couple things that make me laugh.

  1. Listening to my iPod on shuffle when the intro to the album Crunk Juice abruptly ends and is immediately followed by Sweet Baby James by James Taylor.
  2. Getting my hair cut by a guy with many arm tattoos, a mullet, and a nose ring.
On another note, this town is just a handful of select people shy of my own personal paradise.

1 comment:

skape7 said...

I just found a brilliant hairdresser the other day, after a very long and frustrating (read many bad haircuts) search. He didn't have any arm tattoos, but his hair was vaugley mulletish! By the way, I've just spent a good amount of the morning uploading pics of some of my fish onto my blog so check them out! They are not as grand as your Cornbread but I love them anyhow.