Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Moth Balls and Rich Chocolatey Ovaltine

While my grocery store is only 2.5 blocks away it's still a pain in the ass to walk if you're carrying 10 bags of groceries. With that in mind I was at the store today thinking about buying one of those little shopping carts that people use to take home. They're often referred to as "granny carts." The nickname kinda scared me off at first, and I wondered if it would be very unmanly of me to buy one. Just as I thought that, around the corner came some guy pushing one. He had big muscles and big tattoos on his arms. If he's manly enough to have one, then I can.

On another note, thanks to all my friends who kept me company during my trip to NC. It was a blast and I wouldn't have traded it for anything.

1 comment:

skape7 said...

In Australia, down in Melbourne, most people do their shopping at the local farmers markets so EVERYONE has those carts - so if you feel your manliness failing you could always just pretend to be an aussie! :)