Monday, November 06, 2006

There Were Nine Innings in the Ballgame!

I've been meaning to write a post to finish off the baseball season, but I've been putting it off for some time. Especially seeing as how even the post-season is over and my precious Cubbies ended their season a month ago, I'm definitely a little late. This year I made it to only 10 games while my goal was 15. Regardless, 10 is pretty awesome. I would have gone to more, but with the combination of an ENORMOUS eye doctor bill and a horribly dissapointing Cubs team I passed on a few chances towards the end of the season.

At the beginning of the season, I honestly was pretty confident about their chances this year. However, it just didn't happen because of injured (as usual) pitching, Derrek Lee's broken wrist, and inconsistent playing by the rest of the team, they ended the season absolutely horribly. On top of that all, they traded away Todd Walker and Greg Maddux. Todd wasn't the best defensive player, but still had one of the best bats on the team not to mention a great attitude.

As for Greg, well this one hurt. He is my favorite all time Cub and we just let him go not just once, but twice in his career. I feel he's given the Cubs organization a lot with his great arm, great mental skill, and even greater team oriented and humble personality. In return, the Cubs let him go not once, but twice in his career. News of his trade to the Dodgers made me feel awful, like someone just ran over my dog. On behalf of Cubs fans everywhere Greg Maddux, I'm sorry, and we love you.

In 2004 the Boston Red Sox won the World Series. It was the mentality that they were our friends in the other league. They had the other historic ballpark, and the other world series curse just like us. However that year they won it all and Cubs fans were happy for them, because we felt their pain of a long World Series drought. However, our friends in dissapointment had made it, and we were left alone.

In 2005 the Chicago White Sox won it all. Our cross-town rivals. At first, I was happy for them until I realized that many Sox fans here in Chicago seemed to be more excited that the Cubs didn't win, as oppposed to the Sox winning. Like I said, at first I was happy for them, but now I hate them, and I hate Ozzie Guillen for talking shit about Wrigley.

Now, in 2006 the S. Louis Cardinals won. Our biggest rival, in one of the oldest rivalries in professional sports. Cardinals fans hate the Cubs and take every opportunity to rub their sucess in our face. Fuck them too.

It's a dark dark time to be a Cubs fan, but I'm still here, and I still hope to be at my sanctuary on opening day April 9th, 2007. In order to be a true Cubs fan, you need a bad short-term memory.

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