Thursday, January 04, 2007


Tonight my total direct contribution to homeless people in Chicago has climbed to $2.12. I've made it a personal policy of mine not to give money to these guys because A) I don't know if they'll use the money wisely B) They could be faking it just so they can get some money without really working.

In the 21 months I've lived here I've only given money to 3 different people. The first was a few months ago when I gave $1 to some guy who claimed to be diabetic and wanted to get something from "MACDonalds." When I gave him a dollar he asked for another. I told him "no." It was 6:45 in the morning and I probably hadn't had my coffee yet that morning. He caught me off guard.

The second was some crack-whore looking lady who followed me down the sidewalk as I was walking up to the Eric Clapton concert. She said she was 3 months pregnant and was smoking a cigarette. I gave her a dollar just so she would stop following me.

The third and final was tonight when some guy followed me and asked for some "change." Now, when someone says "change" I think coins. I had some coins in my pocket (a dime and 2 pennies) so I gave it to him. He looked at it and said, "Awwww."

Instead of giving money to these guys I donate monthly to the Chicago Food Depository, so I'm not completely heartless.

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