Friday, January 19, 2007

White Out "to the"

This week I got promoted to Assistant General Manager. This means I am officially the #2 person in the restaurant. Day-to-day it really doesn't change much in my duties at work. I've already had the responsibilities of an AGM, except now I have the expectations and the pay rate of one. The pay rate is the good part since its a substantial increase. Also, now I get to go to the General Manager Conference later this month in California and stay at a swanky resort and drink and dine on the company's dime for 4 days.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Brad! :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Nice Job!! Too bad its not in Vegas then you could kill a real hooker.

Anonymous said...

Token Jill comment:
I think everyone is forgetting that now that Brad makes more money, he has to donate more of it to charity AND pay his workers a living wage. But congratulations to him anyway! Maybe he'll still have some left over for that hooker.