Saturday, March 31, 2007

Kinda Like A Clam

I've begun my first serious attempt at growing a beard. I started it on my vacation to Tucson two weeks ago and now I've got some decent beardage going on. I think I like what I've got so far and will probably keep it for now. Someone told me I actually look my age now.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


The official start of warm weather in Chicago for me is when the boats return to Belmont Harbor outside my window. There is one boat that has been docked out there all winter long (at the bottom of the picture), and for a few weeks frozen in the ice, but I know that's definitely not a good move. Besides that guy, the first boat is back. I only see one out there now, but I'm willing to bet there's going to be a lot more come this weekend.

I always enjoy seeing sailboats leave the harbor on warm summer days.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Boring Bernie

My goldfish is boring. He either lays nearly motionless at the top of the water, or at the bottom. I'm assuming this has to do with his bad swim bladder, but regardless. He doesn't ever just swim around like normal fish do. The only time I get much of a reaction out of him is when it's feeding time.

Damnit fish. Do something cool.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Break From Funny

I've been watching a little bit of the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson lately. I used to hate him on the Drew Carey show, but Craig on his own show is absolutely hilarious. Conan has his great bits "Triumph, Masturbating Bear, etc" but Craig has just downright hilarious monologues. I did find this clip on Mike Doughty's blog that is not supposed to be comical, but Craig takes time out to get something off his chest. Interesting to say the very least.

Dear World

Dear Person sitting in front of me on the plane,

Do not lean your chair back. If you were to look behind you to see the lanky 6'1" fella that I am, and looked at where my knees are you'll see that my even with your chair in the "upright position" I barely fit as it is. What makes you think it's cool to move your chair back, thus crushing my legs? So don't be surprised if I push your chair back up if you try to move it down. Don't be surprised if I frequently "accidently bump" your chair several times throughout the flight either. It wouldn't be my first time.

You suck.

Love, Brad

Monday, March 12, 2007

It's a Dry Heat

Tomorrow I'm getting on a plane to "chill" with the rents in Tucson "30 degrees warmer than Chicago" Arizona. The itinerary? Checking out the military airplane graveyard, some hiking, Cubs spring training game, and some of Mama's sweet home cooking. Whenever I go to visit she asks me what I'd like to eat, and this time I ordered Chicken Enchiladas, Dad's pizza, Spaghetti, and Sloppy Joes. I plan on coming back less lanky.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Jill

The blog would like to wish Jill a very rockin' 23rd birthday.

He Dead

So I was poking around the Ticketmaster website and I saw that "Beethoven" was at one point scheduled to do two shows here in the Chicago area. However now, both have been cancelled. I guess they finally figured out that the mother fucker has been dead for over 200 years.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Only In Dreams

I had a strange dream last night with some interesting parts. At one point I was on an old wooden ship that took people out on river cruises. I was walking around and I found a tater tot vending machine. Yes, that's right. A Tater Tot Vending Machine! It was called "The Tot-Factory." It kind of resembled the wish machine in the movie Big, but on the inside was a miniture model. Modeled was the inside of a cavern that had been turned into a mine shaft for mining tots. I think gnomes were involved somehow too.

Friday, March 02, 2007


Don't get it? You should ask then.