Sunday, October 14, 2007

Never Hear It On The Radio

Everyone seems to have a quirk about them that nobody, not even they themselves can explain.  Jill told me about a thing she has with her calf, and my other friend Shannon can only walk on the left side of people.  It got me to thinking what my quirks were.  I approach life in a very logical, much less emotional or spiritual manner, so my strange quirks are limited.  I did think of one however.  In regards to popular music, my initial reaction is to hate, and immediately pass it off as crap.  I don't trust the general public's taste in music (see Fergie) so I can only assume what they like, I hate.  I almost need to be told by a trusted source (music snob friends or cool radio stations) that a song is good.  There's a good possibility I have an insecurity with picking out "good" music.

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