Thursday, February 10, 2005

Collegiate Athletics Whore
Not like its a rarity but last night I felt a little out of place in the state of NC because I wasn't bouncing all over the walls over the UNC vs Duke game. I was at work when the game started and everyone in the restaurant was talking about it except for me. But if any of the people at my table were to bring it up I'd pretend like I gave a rat's ass. Its cool cause I'll do whatever it takes for more tip money. I know I know, I'm a selling out whore, but its ok cause I love money more than my pride. But tip money aside, if I had to pick a team to pull for, I'd go for UNC only because I have no connections to Duke and I have many friends that go there. I guess that's a good enough reason.

I think I'll try to go to Chapel Hill for when these two teams play again on March 6th. It'd be fun to hang out at a bar during the game. Unless UNC loses, then it'll just be pathetic.

Uhhh...go Illinois?

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