Saturday, February 12, 2005

Soggy Ears
Last night everybody's favorite male nurse T. Scott Wilson and his ball and chain (wife Jessica) came into Texas and sat at one of my tables. It's always good to see those two so I bought them some chili cheese fries. As they were leaving Scott left me a generous tip of $12.01. However, he wrote it out as 12.01 in honor of our legendary apartment, Da Two Oh One.

After work MegZ came over for a late-night showing of the movie Ray, which was excellent. It really...uhh...opened my eyes to being blind. Afterwards as we were walking out to her car (it was 4am) we looked into the first floor breezeway and saw two couches just sitting out there without any cushions. My curiosity got the best of me so I walked over to them and looked inside the open apartment door they (I assume) came from. Right when I look in some guy came out of the first bedroom, walks out of the apartment towards me, and says, "Oh man, I don't even know." I told him I was just curious and he kept on rambling off things like, "I don't even know" and "It's one of those roommate things." MegZ and I slowly backed away at that point.

Later that night in bed I could hear him dragging the couches through the breezeway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha...Yeah, and then he offered me the couch.. he was like "Yeah, you want a couch? You can take it!"..

I can only imagine him in the morning if he ever did find someone to give the couch to.. he'd be like "Dude! I have no idea what happened to it!! It was there, and then it just wasn't..."

Haha.. good times Brad Muffin.