Saturday, March 05, 2005

Beer, Baseball, BBQ, and a Birthday
It was in the frisbee golf field that Cohen, Jon, Steve and I began our long day of ECU Baseball tailgating. We got out there at about 9:00am and stayed till somewhere around 5:00 or 5:30. Steve brought a ridiculous amount of pork that he had been slow roasting since the night before. The stuff was amazingly good. We enjoyed ourselves throughout the whole time. The real fun started at 9:28am when I opened my first beer and Cohen opened, and funneled his second. Today's tailgating unfortunately may not happen due to possible thunderstorms. Its cool though, we had a good enough time yesterday to make up for it.

Tonight we're having a little birthday bash for Pat so if you're reading this before later tonight then feel free to get ahold of one of The 201 members for details. Tomorrow I'm heading to Chapel Hill with Megz for the Duke vs UNC basketball game. I'm hoping for a crazy fun time with my Megz.

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