Monday, March 07, 2005

Road Trip to Chapel Hill
Sunday Megz and I took a little road trip to Chapel Hill to see some old friends and to be around for the Duke vs UNC basketball game. Meg and I didn't really care all that much who won the game but I figured it would be fun to just be around the craziness that ensues when these two rivals go at it. In case you didn't know, UNC did win and it was a real close, real good game. When it ended people in the bar were going nuts, and people outside were going...uhh...nutser. There was a small little riot out on Franklin street and a couple of bonfires were started out in the middle of the road. Some Tarheels were chanting, "Burn J.J. burn" which is just plain wrong. Josh compared the situation to Lord of the Flies. We also some frat boy douchebag with shorts so short that his boxers were coming out underneath. Well, after Meg and I watched the craziness we met up with Josh at Monterey and then headed downtown to find Shaun and company. I also got to see my old friend Stephanie from High School so that was cool too. We did a little bar hopping and overall had a really good time. At one of the bars some drunk dude bought Meg a beer and asked her if the bartender was her boyfriend for some reason, and also asked her, "So what's your deal?" She asked him what he meant by that and he then asked her if she wanted to make out. So, of course they did (juuuuust kidding). Another memorable quote occurred the next day when we were at this redneck gas station and Meg was looking at this huge jar of pickled pigs feet and knuckles when some guy said to her, "You know you'll stay pretty your whole life if you eat pickled pig." Ummm, yeah sure thing dude.

In short, it was a great road trip. Always nice to see my old Chapel Hill friends and to spend quality time with the Megz.

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