Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Liquid Cavity In a Cup
Shannon, Cohen, and I did Meals on Wheels today since it’s the little pet volunteer project for College Democrats. We noticed a lot of Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers outside the volunteer center which just shows you that Republicans hate poor old people (just kidding). Afterwards we did the Cohen tradition by visiting B's Barbeque which is right down the road. This place is pretty famous for their barbeque and also pretty gross at the same time. For those who haven't been there, it’s in this little run-down white shack on the outskirts of Greenville. The inside is pretty damn nasty looking and reminded Shannon and I of the place in the old Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I noticed they barely squeaked by with a 91.5 sanitation score, and I also couldn't place a soap dispenser next to their sink. Hmm, yeah. I didn't get any barbeque, but I tried some of Cohen’s and I must say it was pretty good. Not a ton of flavor, but it was tender as hell. I should have just stopped at the pork cause the sweet tea made Shannon and I both gag. It tasted like syrup cause it had so much sugar in it.

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