Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Drive-By Complimenting
There's this little "hobby" I have that I've thoroughly enjoyed since my days in high school. To give you an idea of what it is, it involves driving with my windows down, random pedestrians outside my car, and me yelling obscenities such as "fuck you!" "eat shit!" and "RAAAA!" Lately I've been getting criticism from some of my friends about doing this. They say it hurts peoples feelings, but I'm not so sure about that. My other friends love it though so its a toss-up really. Despite that, I'm going to make an effort (on occasion) to alter my hobby a little bit. I've already tested out my new version by yelling things such as "I love life!" "You look great today!" and "You rock!" So far its proven to be pretty entertaining. I think I might keep it up, but I'm still going to go back to my old favorites from time to time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! The old phrases are great for randomly pissing off people, and they are fun to scream. I might be a bit partial to seeing the look on someone's face when you yell "RAAAA!" at your window. However, the new ones add a slight element of "What the fuck?" to the fun, and would be even more awesome if they were accompanied with a thumbs up and a deranged smile.