Monday, April 04, 2005

Let The Baseball Begin
If you haven't noticed already by looking at my countdown on the side panel today is the season opener for the Cubs. There were a bunch of changes made over the off-season and I really don't know how well we're going to do this year. Its a much different style of a team and the health of our pitching and veterans is going to play a huge factor of course. The only thing I do know is that I'm glad the season is underway. I'm also glad that I have tickets this year! I'm going to a night game with Megz on May 10th and I also have 3 tickets for the last home game on September 28th. That last one should be fun. We'll either be finishing off a valiant effort of a season, playing a clutch game, or celebrating an ensuing playoff appearance. To celebrate this day, today's Featured Flava is a song entitled, "Go Cubs Go."

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