Monday, May 23, 2005

Howlin' Wolf
One of the running jokes held by the 201 (particularly Charlie) involves people who wear shirts with pictures of wolves on them. There isn't much to the joke really. You know the shirts I'm talking about, and you know what the kind of people who wear them are like. It takes a special person to wear a shirt like that, but it takes an even "specialer" (just invented a new word) person to put wolves on their oversized pickup truck. I discovered this wonder of the world during my 14 hour drive from NC to IL. It was taken somewhere in the nothingness that is Indiana.

Also, it looks like there's going to be a hold on new Featured Flavas. For some reason my uploads aren't going through when I put songs online. I have a feeling it might have something to do with ECU cracking down on file sharing.

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