Thursday, May 26, 2005

Dukes of Cook
Earlier today I was walking down the street from the grocery store. My mind was drifting when I heard a car horn blaring. I looked up and there was this van barreling through a turn up ahead right past an old lady crossing the street. The van was within feet of her as she threw up her hands screaming. Once the van passed by she just kept on walking like nothing happened. People drive pretty aggressively here. I actually like it though. Its better than the poky drivers of Greenville.

Also, I apologize for the boring post. You'd think going 3 days without posting anything I'd be able to supply something more interesting. Problem is this is the only thing that comes to mind at the moment. I'll try to liven things up in the future.

Something else I could tell you is that I'm finally settled in to my apartment. I still need a bunch of kitchen stuff till I can start cooking again, but the living area is feeling good. Today I put stuff up on the walls which is what I was saving for last. I'll post pictures later of my bachelor pad.

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