Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Man, I'm a hard workin' man. I'm spending a lot of time at work trying to learn everything and when I come home I'm not so much in the mood to blog. I've been here for one month now so I'll give a briefing on how things are going over all.

-The job is going really well and my bosses have been very happy with me.
-I love the city. Its so much more interesting than Greenville and is a nice change of pace.
-My condo is great. I'm finally settled in with the exception of the kitchen (nudge nudge Pat). I'm going to take pictures later of the place so you guys can see what it looks like.

Thats about it for now. Things are going well for me, but I do miss my friends in NC. I miss them, but not the rest of NC.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A great recipe for porkchops;
Sautee the porkchops to sear both sides, then add apples and a little bit of water, and cover to finish cooking. Result: porkchop sandwiches!!