Monday, September 19, 2005

Pizza Pi
You know how people always complain they'll never use the shit they learn in math class? Well, I was definitely one of them. I hated math with a passion. All the stuff I learned in my Stats class I definitely will never use. Mostly because I can't even tell you what we learned, let alone remember how to do it. Some of the more basic stuff in math though I've found myself using. For example, at work we use 9oz of dough to make a pizza that comes out to 10in in diameter. I needed to figure out how much dough was needed to make a pizza with the same thickness of dough, but on a 16x9 pan. So first I figured out the area of the 10in pizza and divided that by the number of ounces used to determine that we use .115oz of dough per square inch of pizza. Then I figured out the area of the pan and mutlipied it by .115 to find out we need 16.56 oz of dough to cover the pan.

I feel like such a fucking dork.

1 comment:

skape7 said...

I hate maths too!!! I can't believe you had the dedication to work out the whole pizza dough thing - I woulda grabbed a hunk and gone "yeeeah - that looks about right" LOL.