Monday, May 01, 2006

Stick It To The Gringos!

Today, May 1st Latino immigrants around the nation will not be working, dining out, shopping, or contributing in any way to the economy. This is in protest of the new immigration law that Congress is currently discussing. They're planning a rally here in Chicago that is expected to attract over 300,000 people.

Regardless of the politics involved, I just want to say that some of the Latino workers I have worked with in my 7 year food service career are quite literally, amazing. They took a big risk leaving everything to come to this country for a better life, and now they're here working harder than anyone else. I would quit my job tomorrow if I didn't have them. Hypothetically, if we woke up tomorrow and all the Latino immigrants were gone, this country would fall apart. All the fruits and veggies would be left unpicked in the fields, nobody would cook or clean for you, nothing would be painted, and rich people would have to wipe their own mouths.

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