Wednesday, February 28, 2007


The other night I wrote a whole post about how much I hope Ron Santo (shown right) gets into the baseball Hall of Fame. Unfortunately, the website ate what I made and I was too lazy to write it again. However, now I'm writing a reaction to the voting. Santo missed out on it yet again, this time by a mere 5 votes.

Quite frankly I think that sucks. Ron Santo was an amazing ball-player and is an amazing person. In his years with the Cubs he was a 9-time All-Star 3rd baseman, and won 5 Gold Gloves. He put up some great numbers, and he did it all while fighting (and hiding) a life-threatening disease. Santo had juvenile diabetes during his entire baseball career. Despite this he was able to accomplish so much, but since then has lost both of his legs to the disease. He is a Cubs icon, beloved by everyone in baseball.

Keep your fingers crossed he get's the needed votes next time.

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