Tuesday, February 27, 2007

This Is Mein Teil

Highlights from this past weekend include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Billy Joel. Even though I knew very few of the songs, it was still cool because the man is a legend.
  • Virginia Basketball. Excellent game from excellent seats.
  • Sons of Bill. Good ol' boys having a good ol' time.
  • Gusburger. My tummy said "thank you," my arteries said "oh for christ's sake."
  • Charlie. Great to finally see his town, his apartment, his workplace, and meet his ladyfriend. He's got a good thing going for him in that town.
  • Pat. How can you not miss that laugh?
  • Drunks Calls. Jon Redman agreed to have a "201" tatoo put on his grundle. He will be held to his promise.
Overall, it was a fan-fucking-tastic weekend. What more can you ask for when you've got good music, good sports, good food, and even gooder friends?

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