Friday, April 22, 2005

Last blog post from North Carolina there shouldn't be any for a good few days. I have full intentions of continuing this blog from Chicago and I hope you continue to read it. I started this whole thing because I figured it would make it easier for people to keep in touch with me on a daily(ish) basis.

So today I pack my car to the brim with as many personal belongings I can squeeze into my little Honda coupe. When I leave here though I'm bringing more that just a bunch of clothes and knick knacks. I'm bringing with me tons of memories from my years in North Carolina. There are great opportunities for me in Chicago, and I know that its the place for me. Even though, I know I'll miss the friends I've made here, and I hope to be able to keep in touch as much as possible with as much of you as possible. There are so many memories and people that I will never forget. I'll miss you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You will be missed...thank you for everything under the sun that you've done for me and all that we've been through. See you soon.. but not soon enough.
