Monday, February 28, 2005

Pronunciation: (")fr&s-'trA-sh&n
Function: noun
1 : the act of frustrating
2 a : the state or an instance of being frustrated b : a deep chronic sense or state of insecurity and dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs
3 : something that frustrates

Happy Birthday Pat!
The blog would like to wish its good buddy Pat a happy 22nd birthday today. Double Deuce!

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Phatty Heart in dis B-I-itch
It was a good bit of driving for such a short stay, but my trip to Charlotte was definitely worth it. The first thing I did when I got into town was meet up with Adam, Evan, and Gabe at the Qdoba for a mega-delicious burrito. Afterwards we went to Max's house and met up with him.

For those of you who aren't in the know, Max just earlier this month got back from an 8 month tour in Iraq. He went all over the country including Najaf, Fallujah, and Kuwait. He's brought back some interesting stories to tell too. He got married in Sept of '03 and they had a baby in early June (just a few days after he shipped out to Iraq). The crazy thing is that when he got back this month it was the first time he got to see his son. Anyways, we hung out at his place for a little bit and just chewed the fat and talked about old times. It was good to have that crew back together again. It's been a long time.

The trip gave me an idea of what its going to be like after I move, and go on to the next chapter in my life.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Two More!
I got two more tickets. These are for the May 10th night game vs the Mets. Megz is planning on coming to visit me in Chicago then so these tickets are for us. The seats are almost in the very worst spot, buts its still cool. Section 536. I'm done buying tickets for now.

Off to Charlotte for the night. Max is back in town from Iraq so I gotta go see the guy. Evan and Adam will be in attendance as well.

Got Em!
I finally got my Cubs tickets. I managed to get 3 tickets in Section 211 for the last home game of the season. It should rock out. I'm a little dissapointed though that I couldn't get tickets for when they play Boston or retire Sandberg's number. Its cool though, I still might be able to go to the field anyways and find somebody selling one or get standing-room tickets.

Last night's Heather Bday extravaganza was loads of fun, and we have the pictures to prove it! Thanks for being born Heather so we had an excuse to do this.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Eat Sheeiit!
Charlie had an excellent name idea for when I open my restaurant. It's called, "Feed Us Fetus." Ingenious.

Also, Im still trying to buy Cubs tickets. Still in the fucking waiting room, and most of the games I wanted to go to are sold out. Gay. Oh well though, as long as I go to any Cubs game it'll still rock my johnson.

Happy Birthday Pants!
Today is a special day for two reasons. The first of which is that today is Heather "Pants" Kellum's 22nd Birthday! So, the blog would like to wish Heather a very happy birthday!

Two Tickets to Paradise
The second reason today is a special day is because Cubs tickets go on sale. How it works is this, you go to the website, click on the game you want tickets for then you sit in this virtual waiting room until you're randomly chosen to be allowed access to the ticket purchase screen. I've been sitting in the waiting room right right now for the 2 hours. My brother did this last year and sat in the waiting room for a day and a half. So needless to say I think I'm going to be here for a while unless I get real lucky. This year is probably going to be busier than last year too so that certainly doesn't help. I'm going to try and get tickets for 2 different games, 3 seats per game. Keep your fingers crossed I do. Here are the dates for the games I'm going to try and get tickets for.

  • June 10th vs Boston Red Sox: First time these two teams will play each other in Wrigley since the 1918 World Series.
  • August 28th vs Florida Marlins: They're going to retire Ryne Sandberg's number 23.
  • Sept 28th vs Pittsburgh: Last home game of the season.
  • Sept 23-25th vs Houston: Second to last home series. If the playoff race is going to be hot in Wrigley its going to be now.
  • July 25th vs SF Giants: Barry "I'm a juiced up asshole" Bonds, and Moises "Beloved player for the Cubbies last year" Alou.
I added a countdown to the first Cubs game to my sidebar too. (April 4rd @ Arizona)

Thursday, February 24, 2005

It's official, the job hunt is underway. My resume is now listed on a few websites (,, etc) and I've started calling some Human Resource people in a few companies I'm interested in. So far not much of anything has happened since I'm still in the initial stages. Portillos already gave me the thumbs down because I don't have 3 years of management experience. Shiiiiiit! Oh well, at least I can still eat the hell out of their food. Trust me, I will too, especially when I'm hung over.

Other than that I've had a few phone calls from companies whom are interested in me. Problem is they're all random ass office jobs that nobody thinks about having. Can you say Initech? That and RadioShack called me, but I don't want to work there no way. Besides, if I did then all I would do is go around asking, "Who's in charge of spelling around here?"

I sure hope I find something good.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Jalapeno Poppers or Extreme Fajitas?
I got two more pieces of flare today at work! Holla! They finally got around to buying more "Wow pins" so when I saw they had them I turned in my "wow cards" in exchange for two more pins.

Current Flare count is at 9.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Funky Friday
Friday night was Agents of Good Roots night. On Charlie's lead, we drove all the way out to Hampden, VA (4 hour drive) to see his all-time favorite band. They used to be pretty big (national level at least) but broke up a few years ago. Since then they just do some reunion shows every now and then. Everytime they do one Charlie goes and brings a group wuith them. This was my first time seeing these guys on stage and I must say it was awesome. To partly quote the movie Orgazmo, "I don't wanna sound queer or nothing, but" I want to have Andrew Winn's babies.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

A Very Special Vday Card
I made a special Valentine's Day card for all my lovers out there (you know who you are *wink*wink*). I wanted to post it on my previous blog post from last night, but since ECU wont let me upload files to their server anymore, I had to find another organization to mooch bandwith off of. Anyways, now that I've got that working here is my Valentine's Day card from me to you.

Happy V-Day

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

One More V-Day, One More VD
It seems like everyone I talked to this past Monday hates Valentine's Day for one reason or another. Why is this holiday still in existence if its hated so much? To answer that I feel compelled to put the blame on Corporate America, more specifically Hallmark and Big Rose (haha, get it? its like Big Tobacco!).

So what did Brad do this V-day? Well I worked in the morning (slow business yet again) and then that night Megz came over and we had breakfast for dinner. She made some great cookies that not only tasted delicious, but also displayed a special message. A bunch of them were heart shaped and each one of our (201ers) nicknames were written on them in icing. She also shaped a bunch of cookies so that when lined up they would say, "I <3 201." It rocked! Thanks Megz! After we had our breakfast dinner with sparkling grape juice we just sat around and chatted. With the exception of when Heather came over and we watch The Bachelorette, which was retarded. Uhh, I mean it was cool? Then after everyone left/went to bed I headed over to Steph's to hang out with her and have an awkward moment with her cop friend who hates me. Hah! Let's just say I'm afraid to park on campus now.

Leave your favorite/least favorite V-Day memory.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I havent't posted in a while. I figured I betta get to gettin before our guests arrive to the 201, and while I have a good buzz in me. With that said, here goes nuthin!

So I took the rest of the 201 to the HMA social at Cafe Caribe. It was good fun seeing some of those people again and chewing the shit with them. During which we contemplated getting 201 tatoos. I know I said I would never get one cause they're kinda white trashy, but I think its ok if its something that means a lot to you. Unless its a chick, because we all know Hoes come and go, but the 201 will always live on in spirit wherever we end up. You know this!

P.S. Busta Rhymes is a crazy ass, crunk ass mofo!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Soggy Ears
Last night everybody's favorite male nurse T. Scott Wilson and his ball and chain (wife Jessica) came into Texas and sat at one of my tables. It's always good to see those two so I bought them some chili cheese fries. As they were leaving Scott left me a generous tip of $12.01. However, he wrote it out as 12.01 in honor of our legendary apartment, Da Two Oh One.

After work MegZ came over for a late-night showing of the movie Ray, which was excellent. It really...uhh...opened my eyes to being blind. Afterwards as we were walking out to her car (it was 4am) we looked into the first floor breezeway and saw two couches just sitting out there without any cushions. My curiosity got the best of me so I walked over to them and looked inside the open apartment door they (I assume) came from. Right when I look in some guy came out of the first bedroom, walks out of the apartment towards me, and says, "Oh man, I don't even know." I told him I was just curious and he kept on rambling off things like, "I don't even know" and "It's one of those roommate things." MegZ and I slowly backed away at that point.

Later that night in bed I could hear him dragging the couches through the breezeway.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Collegiate Athletics Whore
Not like its a rarity but last night I felt a little out of place in the state of NC because I wasn't bouncing all over the walls over the UNC vs Duke game. I was at work when the game started and everyone in the restaurant was talking about it except for me. But if any of the people at my table were to bring it up I'd pretend like I gave a rat's ass. Its cool cause I'll do whatever it takes for more tip money. I know I know, I'm a selling out whore, but its ok cause I love money more than my pride. But tip money aside, if I had to pick a team to pull for, I'd go for UNC only because I have no connections to Duke and I have many friends that go there. I guess that's a good enough reason.

I think I'll try to go to Chapel Hill for when these two teams play again on March 6th. It'd be fun to hang out at a bar during the game. Unless UNC loses, then it'll just be pathetic.

Uhhh...go Illinois?

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

New Number Bitches!
Ok sluts, I want you to right now go grab your phones or your address books or whatever the hell you use. Got it? Don't fucking lie to me! Get it now! Ok, good. Now, put this number in there tied to my name. Its, (312) 259-1636. Have it replace any old number you may have of mine That's my new cell number with the Chicago area code so turning back now. I don't want anyone to lose contact with me so make sure you get it.

Oh, and one of the guys that I had to talk to on the phone from Cingular talked just like Napoleon Dynamite. It made me smile.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Looks like ECU has finally cut me off. Here's the message I get when I try to access my ECU email account, "Error: Access is Denied." On that note, if you need to email me, do so at Yeah I know, its a lame address and I hate to do it, but unfortunately fun names like "WaxhawRenegade" don't look too appealing to potential employees. Fuck growing up.

The Puppy Bowl Post-Game Show
I would like to declare last night's Super Bowl party a success. We squeezed about as many people in front of the TV as we could fit so it’s safe to say the guest size was right on. A couple weeks ago we set the goal to consume 20lbs of Tots that night, but sadly we fell about 5 lbs short. Not bad though considering that's just shy of 1 lb per person. The Tot MVPs have been named as well. They are Stambaugh, Charlie, Megan, and Jill and her 90lbs of fury.

If you read the title of the post you might be a little confused unless you were in attendance last night. To explain, yesterday during the Super Bowl the Animal Planet channel broadcasted the Puppy Bowl which is about 8 straight hours of puppies playing together in a little football stadium/puppy pen. Every once in a while they switched out the tired puppies for fresh rambunctious ones. The level of cuteness was unparalleled.

Also, today at work some lady at my table was talking about how she never watches football, but somehow last night she predicted not only the half-time score, but the final score to the game. To explain how she managed to do this she mentioned that "God works through" her. Yeah, whatever you say lady. She also tried to sincerely convince me to be a doctor. Fuck that, I just finished school.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Happy Bday MegZ!
The blog would like to wish one Megan Brewer a Happy 22nd Birthday! Rock and Roll Nog!

Friday, February 04, 2005

Oh Baseball, I Miss You!
Multiple times a day I visit one of my favorite websites, This morning I read an article that compared the Cubs and the White Sox head-to-head given all their off-season trades. I'm pretty excited this year to see how my team will play out considering the loss of Moises Alou and Sammy Sosa in exchange for Jerry Hairston Jr and Jeromy Burnitz who are both questionable in how well they'll do on this team, in this ballpark. This year we should see a lot less home runs and more base hits. My biggest fear though is our lack of a proven Closer. I have a feeling this position is going to be make or break for this season. I just hope it starts before I explode with anxiety! I'm really looking forward to ECU baseball too especially with our new stadium.

Never mind baseball for now. In the mean time, sit back and check out the latest tune on our Featured Flava. This one is from my recently purchased "The Best of Van Morrison" CD. It’s a laid back tune entitled "And It Stoned Me." Download that shit if you know what’s good for you!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

What’s That On Your Chin? Socrates Nuts!
I went to some school club meeting today with Shannon called the Socratic Society (dubbed the S.S. by Jon). Basically they meet twice a month at a coffee shop and sit around and discuss philosophy. The membership was pretty interesting in fact. There it was; me, Brian Mitchell, Shannon, two old people, a guy with velcro shoes and a cape, the whitest black man in American, and Jay from Jay and Silent Bob if Jay wore Birkenstocks and hemp. The topic of discussion was Good vs. Evil and that sort of thing. I kept pretty much silent the whole time because the people there are much smarter than me and I didn’t want to embarrass myself. The Caped Avenger was pretty quiet too so I didn’t feel too out of place. It was actually pretty interesting to listen in and is probably better for the ol’ noggin than sitting around the apartment playing Playstation making dick and fart jokes. Next meeting we’re going to talk about sex education in schools. I should be able to take part in that since I have more of an opinion than I do with good vs evil.

So Wrong, Yet So Wright
It was an action-packed day today at the Democrat table in Wright Plaza. One of the first people I saw when I got there was my favorite guy on campus, the man, the myth, the legend, good ol' Ben Lau. For those of you who aren't familiar with this modern day Casanova, Ben is the goofy Asian kid that spends almost all day walking aimlessly around Wright Plaza talking to girls. He has a thing for Southern girls, so one of the first questions he asks his female prey is, "Were you born in the South?" A "yes" will result in a twinkle in his eye followed by more random questions. A "no" will get you sobbing heartbreak rejection (at least that’s how I’d take it if Ben rejected me). Apparently, someone told him that Southern girls like guys that read the bible, so today he walked around with a little green New Testament open in his hands, telling his female prey he reads the bible, and asks if they read it too. Ben has no shame, and I must admit when it comes to girls, his ball size far exceeds my own by immense proportions. Well played my friend.

Another interesting (maybe) thing that happened today came when a large tour of High School kids were walking through the plaza. Me being the businessman I am saw an opportunity to make some cash. First things first, I needed to reach my target audience with my message. I began a personal selling campaign that involved me yelling out, "Will buy beer for 5 dollars!" Charlie took up his own niche in this new market by providing his service to "buy cigarettes for 5 dollars!" Unfortunately, we didn't get any bites. In fact, the biggest reaction we got was from some old lady supervising the kids. Her reaction was simply establishing eye contact and making a throat slitting motion with her finger and hand. Don't hate the playa, hate the game bitch!

Oh, and the Democrat table was somewhat of a failure today in my eyes. We have some work to do.

Democracy In Action
Judging from the responses of the Facebook picture vote I am going to declare BONER the victor! I'll set that shit up laterZ!

Speaking of democracy, the ECU College Democrats will be hosting the first session of our "Donkey Debate" tomorrow (Thursday) out in Wright Place. Basically what it is is we will be setting up a table out there to present a different topic each time. Its mostly to help the student body become more educated on political subjects. Tomorrow we'll be presenting The Patriot Act. I'm pretty excited about it. I missed hanging out at the Democrat table like in the old days. I even had someone cover my shift at work so I could do this! Ok, time to go to bed so I'm ready for my big day. Peace out bitches!